7 Keys to SUCCESS

7 Keys to success.

In the last newsletter it was about success and how everyone has a different perception of what success is. We all live in different stages and we’re all successful in different ways.

We tend to get lost in all the stuff we have to do in a day and being able to focus on what our goals are can get forgotten.

Success is about achieving your personal goals.

Being successful is a mind set that helps propel you forward. Our mind doesn’t like failing that’s often why we are held back from pursuing the things we love.

Look at starting a business as an example. The same style of questions will come up in different aspects of life.

  1. Where do I start?

  2. How do I monetize?

  3. What if I can’t make enough money?

  4. What if I fail?

These questions you ask yourself and run through your mind are normal. Remember though they can be solved by having the frame work. I suggest starting with the 7 keys to success and building of these points.

Success is not final;

Failure is not fatal;

It is the courage to continue that counts.

Winston S. Churchill

7 Keys to build your success

  1. Set clear goals

  2. Continuous learning

  3. Work Hard and SMART

  4. Build a strong network

  5. Embrace failure

  6. Persistence

  7. Mindset

This baseline can be used in many aspects of life not just business. They will in fact enrich many aspects in life.

Set Clear Goals

We can have relationship goals, career, business, health. The key here is you want to be specific. What’s the big picture look like. If we look at finances as an example and you say “I want to make more money” this isn’t a specific goal.

However if you say “I want to earn $200k a year” your now narrowing it down to an amount.

“I want to lose weight” This is to broad there is no target. Essentially you lose a pound you win and why continue from there. If you say “I want to lose 20 pounds over the next 6 months”. Now you’re being more specific. Not only have you picked a target weight but you have given yourself a time line.

As you get specific with a goal you can break it down. If you want to lose 20 pounds in 6 months what are you going to do monthly to get there. Diet, walking, weight lifting.

How are you tracking it?

Go more in depth. What does this look like weekly and what activities can you do daily to get there.

Now you have a clear goal, timeline, and action plan to achieve it.

Continuous Learning

This is something that has personally changed by life. I never use to read and any podcast I would listen to had no real significance other than entertainment. Courses I use to do were completely work related.

The ability to take this to a new level is life changing.

I woke up one day and decided it was time to start reading. I made a goal to hit 12 books by the end of the year.

As I was reading it really started getting interesting. The book I was reading was Becoming Supernatural by Joe Dispenza. The science he backed up with mediation had blown my mind.

It was at this point that I realized I needed to develop my own practice in mediation.

The take away for me at this point was reading was so much more than just getting through another book. It was what books can I read that I can take as much from to implement in my every day life.

Work Hard and Smart

This is a whole newsletter on it’s own so I wont go big into this as the depth of this topic is another level.

We see people talk about working a 4 hour day. First they didn’t just wake up one day and start this lifestyle. They needed to build up to it. Working hard is about the focus on what needs to get done. That’s the only thing that matters for that time frame.

When working smart look at prioritizing the most important tasks first.

There is a basic technique you can use for this the Pomodoro technique. You work 25 minute intervals then take a 5 minute break. Do this for about 4 or 5 cycles then take a longer break usually will line up with lunch or end of the day.

Build a Strong Network

Building a strong network is essential to your growth. Specially if you look at a support system.

You can build a mastermind group that you can bounce business ideas off, mentors, surround yourself with people that are like minded. Specially surround yourself with people that are at the level you’re trying to get to in life.

We tend to grow out of relationships as well. One thing that I have noticed over the years myself as I developed my passion and work towards goals people will phase out. This doesn’t have to be considered a bad thing. This is just a stage of life you’re in.

Embrace Failure

Personally I love this one. This is another opportunity for everyone to be able to learn.

There is 2 situations that can come from failing.

  1. You get down on yourself and let it eat at you

  2. You take the scenario replay it over and see where things went wrong to try again

I had a home exterior business with a friend about 10 years ago. Personally I hated the work specially working on the roof. We started by hiring a crew that mainly did the work. The first year as usual was rough as income coming in wasn’t always amazing and it was a growing business.

Second year we decided to do the sales and work ourselves. This is where I realized it wasn’t a career for me to be on a roof. Having a crew do the work wasn’t as bad but there was a lot always checking on the crew.

Now looking back at it there is so many changes I would have made.

Having the crew as subcontractors. Do way more door knocking to find business to keep them busy.

The idea behind these thoughts now though is I learned and if I wanted to try again this business model there is a lot of things I would change. So in my eyes the company didn’t fail in fact I was successful in learning a lesson from it.


Persistence is about facing go after what you want no matter what. We are faced with man obstacles, challenges, failures or setbacks.

Maintain determined and consistent.

Look at these challenges as opportunities to grow.

In selling cars I did this with almost every client. Right after the test drive I was determined to take them to paper and work a deal. The second I had a price written down I knew it was time to make a sale. My excitement would sky rocket as I said to myself I’m selling this car today. I would go back and forth as many times as it took to finish the deal and have them drive home in the car today.

Of course there was times they didn’t buy and that was ok. I would look back at how the process went.

Did I skip steps?

Did I say something wrong?

Reviewing the scenario let me learn from the experience and move on to the next customer and do the process again but make the necessary changes.


Having a positive mental mindset is most important next to setting goals. With the right mindset the rest of this comes easier.

Mindset attributes to your beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors.

We operate in 2 main mindsets

Fixed Mindset: With a fixed mindset your abilities, intelligence, and talents can’t be trained. They are fixed and have no growth. You often avoid taking any risks because of a fear of failure.

Feedback and criticism can be threatening to you.

You don’t realize your true potential and this will constantly hold you back.

Growth Mindset: With a growth mindset you believe that your abilities, intelligence, and talents can be developed through dedication, continuous learning and personal growth.

You’re willing to take risks and step outside your comfort zone.

Any potential set backs are learning experiences and you tend to persevere through them with more knowledge than you went in.

Mindsets aren’t static they can shift. If you build focus and motivation you can make the shift into growth and look at a more positive approach to life.

In the end you make the difference on what action you want to take. If you feel stuck and or lost then it’s time to take action today.

Sit down and write out these 7 steps and put them on a vision board or some where you can look at them everyday and remind yourself.

We all have set backs in life and it’s just a matter of time for yo to have your breakthrough if you really want it. These steps will take you to the next level.

I have put together a 90 day program that isn’t released but offering it to a few people for free that are ready to make a change in life.

This program takes you through the 7 key steps with accountability, coaching, and what I call the Master Plan.

Reach out if you’re ready to make drastic changes in your life and build the frame work to accomplish goals and make time for life.