Achieving your level of SUCCESS!


Goals are not just important, but rather, they are undeniably crucial throughout our entire journey of life. Without setting and pursuing them, we find ourselves stuck in a state of inertia, feeling unfulfilled and lacking a sense of accomplishment. However, it is not solely the act of establishing goals that holds significance; it is also the manner in which we strive to achieve them and navigate the challenges that arise along the way that truly tests our mettle.

Sitting here reading this I want you to ask yourself:

  • What is a goal?

  • What are my goals?

  • How do I go about achieving my goals?

We all have goals in life whether its fitness, financial, health, career. The list can go on from there. When we look at it though how are we executing? Do we have a system to achieve greatness? Or are we winging it and if we get there great.

If you’re not succeeding then it’s time to make some changes. It should be so much more than writing them on a piece of paper and going back to it in a year and saying “I’m almost there”. There is no tracking to success with this option why even write it down at this point.

Action Plan

A goal is just a goal until we add an action plan. This is something for us to be able to track and monitor so we can celebrate our success. Until we build the action plan it will make it difficult to achieve the things we set out for.

How does this work? Well it’s simple.

If you truly aspire to eat healthier, why rush into a complete diet overhaul overnight? Such a drastic change is more likely to result in failure, as opposed to making small, manageable adjustments. Instead, consider incorporating more vegetables into your dinner or eliminating that late-night snack before bed. These seemingly insignificant modifications will accumulate over time, serving as a solid foundation upon which you can steadily build. By taking this gradual approach, you will not only achieve your ultimate goal, but also significantly increase your chances of long-term success, ensuring that you never revert back to your old, unhealthy habits.


When we jot down our goal and create an action plan, it really helps to have some accountability. But is that all you need? Don't hesitate to reach out to your friends, family, spouse, or even co-workers for support in achieving your goals. Having someone to hold you accountable will make your journey much smoother, and remember, you don't have to do it all by yourself!