Blueprint to an Amazing Day

With life we find ourselves always on the move. We’re so busy time is always slipping by. Our main excuse most the time is we’re to busy. Is this actually the fact? Or maybe we’re just unorganized. We talk about time and not enough time in the day. This feeling can be overwhelming and can give us a feeling of being lost. Maybe it’s time to focus on prioritizing what’s important.

Build the frame work to your week every Sunday or wake up early Monday morning. What does your week look like? Is it filled with tasks you dislike or is it filled with little ways to reward yourself for achieving targets/goals? When we focus on short term and smaller goals is far less daunting than a goal for the month or even the year. This is why personally I’m not big on New Years resolutions.

As we start every day lets set yourself up for success. In the book The Power of Focus the authors talk about the frame work for your day and building a new level of focus you potentially never had. It’s called B-ALERT. Lets take a closer look at the break down of this.

Blueprint - Plan your day with an agenda outlining the important tasks. This is to help keep you on track as we can have the ability to lose focus as the day goes on. Personally I carry a notebook I journal in with me and BALERT at the top of every page to remind me.

Action - This is exactly how it sounds. Take action and complete the important tasks you outlined for the day. We can have busy days but is it busy in a productive way or just fillers to get through the day?

Learn - This is one of my favorite! Always looking for ways to increase my knowledge and put it to use. It doesn’t have to be getting a full course done, it can be as simple as reading or listening to a book. Something to stimulate your mind. Have it be something of interest so you can look forward to this. Increase your value by learning daily!

Exercise - We don’t have to overthink this one. Some want to go to the gym for hours but we don’t have to go that in depth. It can be as simple as a walk in nature. This isn’t only good for the body but also the mind as it gives you a different type of stimulation. A walk in nature specially can be good and used as a time to reflect and come up with your next amazing idea!

Relax - Take time to settle at the end of the day. Time for you and the family. This doesn’t need to have an agenda attached to it but is important to build time with loved ones. Working all day or long hours we can forget about what’s important and this can bring that back in tune. Recharge your batteries.

Think - Finally think. Reflect on the day. At the end of the the day or just before you go to bed focus on how your day went. Replay it fill in any gaps. Use this time if you didn’t feel productive on what you could change. What successes did you have.

When we have the ability to organize our day with general structure and a system to keep us in line we can accomplish so much more. Using small tools like this can keep us on track. Having a blueprint can make sure we schedule time for what’s important.

“You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”

Zig Ziglar