Do you hold a grudge? Are you ready to let go?


  1. How do we forgive what we might think is the unforgivable?

  2. Are you being held back from a past experience?

  3. Why must we forgive?

What is it to forgive - stop feeling angry or resentful toward (someone) for an offense, flaw, or mistake

There is so many things to consider when it comes to forgiveness that we tend not to think about. We don’t see what the potential impact it has on our lives. Moving on from past experiences that are holding you back might have to start with forgiving.

This might not always be about forgiving someone else but a situation, or even yourself for your actions. This isn’t an easy process as sometimes the situation can be traumatic.

There is two outcomes when we can’t forgive. In rare cases some people use it as the fire to be the best they can be. They defy all odds and become a super human that can do anything. The question to consider, are they using it as fire or did they actually let go of the situation from holding them back, leading to a form of forgiveness?

The more common scenario is that it holds us back. My personal experience with this was having a father addicted to drugs. Drugs for him was far more important to him. I did have a parent that was able to protect me from him, made it easier to overcome. Not everyone has this option so it will be a harder process for others.

There are many more circumstances where someone might have had things in the past happen that were so much worse. Yet being able to forgive the past situations for me has freed me from the negative thoughts. Now with my father I don’t talk to him on a regular but I don’t have the hate from him that I use to growing up.

This is one example for me.

Who, What, Why?

When we look at forgiving in a whole it doesn’t have to be one particular person. It could be yourself, someone you know, an enemy, someone that has done something to you unthinkable.

I went through an example for myself so sit and think of some potential situations that are holding you back. Are you able to forgive them? If not why?

Taking into deep consideration the grudge that nags at you the moment you think of it. What has this person done to you? What have you done?

I keep asking these questions as I want you to go deep into the understanding the strength that it can have over you. It might not stand out in the everyday but these actions has implanted negative imagery in your subconscious and its now time to forgive and move on.

Why? The negative thoughts when they come to front of mind can hold you back if not dealt with. Forgiving yourself is important for the personal growth. Forgiving someone from the past doesn't mean you have to like them. It will free you from the anguish holding you back.


Achieving this might not be a one time task. To start you will work with mediation and this is to get the brain waves in the right state so you’re more susceptible to the suggestions. This mediation is a basic one that will help bring your thought to center as you focus on you’re breathing. Taking a few deep breaths you can even do a count for this. Clear the mind.

After you get to your center you will use a prayer to rewire your brain and build new connections. This is a paraphrased script from Life Visioning by Michael Beckwith.


“I take responsibility for my actions to myself and other individuals. The actions I have done knowing or unknowing. I free myself from all that is holding me back. The shame, guilt, blame are now neutralized with unconditional love, compassion, and forgiveness. I give my heart right here right now and cleanse myself from the toxin of unforgiveness. I start today fresh in this realization.”

When it comes to forgiving others you will take the same script and modify it and vision the person you want to forgive.

This isn’t one and done action and for some will be immediate and others will be work as it could take a few sessions. The main goal is when you think of that person or reflect on yourself you will no longer feel anger towards yourself or that person.

This is when you step into the new light and move onto the next stages of reinventing yourself. This is a crucial step in you’re personal growth and should not be skipped.

When you truly find the forgiveness be ready for a new world of love, compassion and so much more. The possibilities will be endless. The clear mind will have you moving forward in a new light!