Is Hypnosis just a stage act?

Walking around clucking like a chicken in front of an audience.


The first thought that comes to mind for hypnosis is T.V or stage shows. While this is a form of hypnosis this is very surface level. Hypnotists on stage pick from the crowd and run a series of basic tests to see how suggestible they are.

When they start acting like a chicken on stage this is something they would typically do even if not in hypnosis.

Have you ever been driving and forgot the last 5-10 minutes of the drive almost questioning “how did I get here?”

You were in a trance state.

The difference of working with a clinician is they take you to a much deeper state, almost sleep like as they work with you.

One of the most important understandings for hypnosis is that the clinician works with you. You have complete control when it comes to hypnosis and your actions.

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis has a different meaning to different societies, professionals, and people in general.

One definition by the Division 30 of the American Psychological Association is

One definition by the Division 30 of the American Psychological Association is

“ A state of consciousness involving focused attention and reduced peripheral awareness characterized by an enhanced capacity for response to suggestion”

Trancework by Michael D. Yapko

“A state of consciousness involving focused attention and reduced peripheral awareness characterized by the enhancement capacity for response to suggestions.”

Dave Elman, American Hypnotist

“Hypnosis is the use of suggestion, whether direct or indirect, to induce a heightened state of suggestibility in which there is a bypass of the critical faculty of the mind, and selective attention to suggestions given.”

Hypnosis is a process of working with subconscious mind. Through suggestions we work with a patient to help them over come different ailments.

The mind is a powerful organ that controls our whole body, thoughts, dreams, beliefs, logic, reason, and so much more.

To understand how our subconscious and conscious mind works Dr. John Kappas did a study and broke it down in simple form. This is called Theory of the Mind.

Theory of the Mind - Dr. John Kappas

Conscious Mind

The conscious mind is our waken state. Our ego. It can process one thing at a time. When you think you’re multi tasking the mind still only processes one thing. Are you really being productive? This part is responsible for our logic and reason. It will store information for 1.5-2.5 hours before it gets cleared out.

Conscious Critical Factor/Gatekeeper

The gatekeeper isn’t developed till the age of eight. Before that we are susceptible to everything and when our beliefs and values are formed. This is also when our suggestibility is developed which is a whole other topic. The gatekeeper will hold information for up to 24 hours. This is where all the information is processed before it goes to the subconscious. Anything that doesn’t align with your beliefs or values is pushed out at this point. When you go into R.E.M sleep this is when the gatekeeper is cleaned out.

If you ever noticed high anxiety after a night of not sleeping that is because the gatekeeper is full and needs to be cleared. This is one instance that hypnosis can help with a single session equivalent to 2-3 hours of R.E.M sleep.

Subconscious Mind

The subconscious this is where all the information we take in through out every day is stored. Our values, beliefs, dreams, emotions, and bodily functions are all stored here. The depth of the subconscious is amazing as it can process 750000 things at a time. It is taking in more information than we consciously realize. It stores all memories we have, even if we don’t realize it. This is another use for hypnosis.

What is hypnosis used for?

Hypnosis can be used in all aspects of your life.

  1. Therapeutic Purposes

    Stress Reduction

    Anxiety and Phobia Treatment

    Pain Management

    Smoking Cessation

    Weight Loss


  2. Medical and Dental Applications

    Dental Procedures


  3. Psychological and Emotional issues


    Trauma and PTSD

    Self-Esteem and Confidence

  4. Performance Enhancement

    Sport Performance

    Academic and Professional Growth

  5. Personal Growth


    Spiritual Growth

It’s important to know that working with someone that has studied in the area you’re looking for assistance in is important.

Someone could become a hypnotist in one weekend with just the bare minimum of putting someone in hypnosis but it’s much more in depth than this. There is 100’s and 100’s of scripts to help with different situations.

Depending on the help you need there is different techniques.

  1. Traditional Hypnosis: Classic form of hypnosis used for a wide range of purposes including therapy, stress reduction, anxiety, and modifying behavior

  2. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP): Hypnosis approach to help change thought patterns and behaviors. Focusing on neurological processes, language, and behavior patterns

  3. Self-Hypnosis: Great for nights you can’t sleep. This involves putting yourself in a trance using visualization or recorded scripts. It can be used for self improvement, relaxation, anxiety, or stress reduction.

  4. Regression Hypnosis: This takes you back in time and accesses memories or experiences. Typically used for trauma or unresolved issues.

  5. Stage Hypnosis: Used for entertainment

Hypnosis is known to help a wide range of issues. It’s not a quick fix it can take 1 session or multiple sessions depending on deep the problem is.

As the study below outlines the success rate.

He found that hypnotherapy had a massive 93% success rate after only 6 sessions compared to only a 72% success rate with behavioral therapy (after 22 sessions on average), and only 38% success rate with psychotherapy (after an average of 600 sessions).,an%20average%20of%20600%20sessions).

Is hypnosis for you?


Hypnosis is and can be for anyone. There is many therapies that can be used to help anyone even in unique situations.

The first session with any hypnotist will be very basic. This is about building rapport and trust to build the relationship. Followed up with a basic hypnosis session with the main focus of helping with any anxiety. This will be to help clear the gatekeeper out and narrow down what the hypnotist can help with.

This will also give you a feel to see if hypnosis is for you.

This is just one of the many holistic ways to heal the mind, body, and soul. Finding knowledgeable people in there respected fields is important. Being comfortable with that person is extremely important as well.

If you want to know more or have questions around hypnosis reach out as working with the subconscious is a huge passion. There is many techniques you can do for yourself to help ease the mind. I will also be going into more of them in the coming weeks!