Learn to LIVE in the MOMENT!

The Significance of Maintaining Mindfulness: Tips to Embrace the Present Moment

Before we get to deep I want you to just sit where you are and focus on a something in the room or look out the window and focus on a tree. At this point you want to think of nothing.

If your looking at a tree or an object around you that’s the only thing on your mind. Nothing to do with the past or present. The mind is clear and the focus is on that one thing.

This is not an easy task I have given you. If you were able to do it though you’re ahead of a lot of people. If not don’t worry continue reading and try again today, tomorrow, and the next day until you can do it.

LIVE in the MOMENT. This is something we hear often.

Right here right now.

Is that truly what it is? The short answer is Yes.

Being fully aware and present in the current moment. Without distractions from the past or the future. The ability to focus on where you are and who you are with and absorb what’s in front of you.

TAKE it all in and SOAK it all up brings a whole new meaning when we can achieve this.

We spend so much time caught up in the chaos of life. We feel like we thrive off the drama, past, and present it’s like a drug we can’t live without.

When we think about the past it’s usually a doom and gloom feeling as we dwell on what we could have done or wish for different outcomes.

Just a side note this is different than reflecting on the past because there is always a time and place. This is always a learning perspective that carries great power. Same with planning for the future. 

Focusing outside of the present moment comes with several negative consequences:

  1. Increased stress

  2. Anxiety

  3. Depression

  4. Missed Opportunities

  5. Reduced Quality of relationships

  6. Impaired Decision-Making

  7. Decreased Productivity

  8. Rumination

  9. Physical Health Issues

  10. Less Gratitude

  11. Impaired Creativity

  12. Relationship Conflict

  13. Physical Accidents

  14. Reduced Enjoyment of Life

  15. Loss of Self-Awareness

Practicing mindfulness and focusing on the present moment, can increase the positive effects on your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. Having a clearer mind to live a more balanced and fulfilling life.

How do we live in the moment? By taking the steps to clear your mind and focus on the now and here.

If it’s with your spouse you’re listening to them with the pure intention of focusing on them only.

Out for a walk you’re taking in the tree’s, water, sand, wind etc… where ever you are what ever your doing. Soaking up your surroundings, clear of judgment, stress, and anxiety.

Here are 5 Steps to practice living in the moment.

  1. Practice a Mindfulness Meditation

  2. Connect to your Senses

  3. Let Go of Distractions

  4. Practice Gratitude

  5. Engage Fully in Activities

This is not a skill that will come easy. It takes practice so you need to be patient with yourself as you develop the ability to practice mindfulness and living in the present.

Instead of bracing yourself for the perils of the unknown. Embrace the joy that is here, in your present moment.

Michelle D. Rosado

Let’s break these 5 steps down and have a solid foundation on how to achieve this. 

Practice Mindfulness Meditation:

Find a spot you can lie or sit quietly. This is where you will focus on your breath, if you find your mind wandering bring your attention back to your breathing. If you need to use a count for the inhale and exhale then do it. This is where you will be aware of the moment. This takes time an practice start will small intervals.

Engage Your Senses:

Use your senses to bring you into the now sight, touch, sound, smell, and taste. Engaging your senses has you focus on the now. When eating something savor each bite paying attention to the flavors and texture.

Let Go of Distractions:

Distractions are every where. When spending time with loved ones put away your phone. Focusing on a task submerse yourself in the task. Clear your work space of clutter. When the mind starts to wander bring yourself back to center and focus on the task thinking of only the task.

Practice Gratitude:

Take time each day to be grateful for all the things you have. This will bring positive aspects to your present moment. One thing you can do is keep a journal for all the things you’re grateful for.

Engage Fully in Activities:

When you’re doing something spending time with friends, exercise, walks be present. Full attention to what ever you’re doing this wont only help you clear you mind but will also have you be more productive.

Remember that living in the moment takes practice. It’s not easy task so be patient and work at it slowly.

Personally I find my mind wanders easy then I remind myself that I need to be present for the RIGHT NOW.

I find many tasks throughout the day I’m able to achieve this now.

It took me sometime to get there. I was an avid overthinker always worried about what people thought or things that happened in the past.

When I was able to focus on the now I had way more clarity on what I wanted to accomplish and how I was going to get there.

The biggest help for me was a meditation practice. I had to start with guided ones as it helped me focus on the person talking and my voice. Helped me focus on different areas of the body like the heart chakra. Once I was able to live for now in meditation the ability to do it in other tasks became easier.

Here is some links to articles that can potentially give you another perspective and insight on living for the now.