Your success can only be measured by you

My level of success isn’t the same as yours.


What does success mean? The dictionary meaning of success “The accomplishment of an aim or purpose” Even though the dictionary has this meaning we all have a perceived image in our head of our own success. All the way through school success is outlined

  • Steady job

  • Steady pay

  •  Work till 65

  •  Retire

Being able to achieve this level of success is a goal for most of the population. It’s what we have been taught for years from generation to generation.

I can remember to this day being told by my grandparents that finding the steady paying job and putting x amount of money away each pay was the way of life. The bills will be covered, purchasing the house, the vehicle, and then coast through life till you retire.

Looking back this might have worked then. Can we achieve this now? Does this mean we achieved a level of success?

Success as a whole. We come up with a goal and build an action plan to achieve that goal. Success! If this is the case then why do we have CEO’s, CFO’s, employees, business owners the list goes on that are constantly stressed or depressed? What is the balance they have in life when it comes to working? Are they getting time with their family and friends. Going on vacations and truly enjoying life?

When we hit that dream job or that salary we need to live, the house or the fancy car does this mean we are successful?

Success comes in so many shapes and sizes to each individual. Working with a purpose to an end goal and achieving joy in what you’re doing this is a level of success we should be looking to attain.

I spent the better part of my life chasing after management. This is what I thought the level of success was. Chasing after the nice house and vehicle to feel successful. In the case for me it didn’t feel successful at the end of the road. There is so much missing that is never discussed when going through school and into the working career.

The level of success has drastically changed in my eyes.

  •  Family/Friends

  •  Travel

  • Time

  • Joy

These are just a few of the things I look for now to level my measure of success. If we break each one down. Family, how much time do I have to spend with family and friends when working majority of the week and some weekends. I must get permission to take time off to be able to go on vacation and travel. This can also lead into time and joy in my everyday life.

When you look at your current situation are you are you living the life you want? If not are you working towards it? on track?

We all have our own level and what we look for out of life. First don’t limit yourself. The only thing that can hold you back from achieving success is you. There will be people that hate on your success but their not really there for you.